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2015 FIFA Club World Cup schedule(南非世界杯具体的城市赛程和时间表)


2015 FIFA Club World Cup schedule


      - 12月10日:10:45,广岛三箭VS奥克兰城,这是世俱杯的首场比赛,由东道主日本J联赛冠军广岛三箭迎战大洋洲冠军奥克兰城。

      - 12月13日:有两场四分之一决赛,分别是7:00墨西哥美洲VS广州恒大,以及10:30民主刚果马泽姆贝VS广岛三箭。最终广州恒大2-1战胜墨西哥美洲,广岛三箭3-0战胜民主刚果马泽姆贝。

      - 12月16日:有两场关键比赛,7:30,墨西哥美洲与民主刚果马泽姆贝进行第5名的争夺战;11:30,广岛三箭对阵南美解放者杯冠军阿根廷河床,展开半决赛的较量,最终河床1-0获胜。

      - 12月17日:11:30,欧洲冠军巴塞罗那对阵广州恒大,进行另一场半决赛,巴塞罗那3-0获胜。

      - 12月20日:8:00,广岛三箭与广州恒大进行季军赛,广岛三箭2-1获胜。11:30,河床与巴塞罗那展开决赛的较量,最终巴塞罗那3-0战胜河床,夺得世俱杯冠军。


2015 FIFA Club World Cup schedule




      世界杯赛程分为预选赛阶段和决赛阶段两个阶段 世界杯预选赛阶段分为六大赛区进行,分别是欧洲、南美洲、亚洲、非洲、北美洲和大洋洲赛区,每个赛区需要按照本赛区的实际情况制订预选赛规则,而各个已报名参加世界杯的国际足联(FIFA)会员国(地区)代表队,则需要在所在赛区进行预选赛,争夺进入世界杯决赛阶段的名额。 世界杯决赛阶段的名额目前是32个,决赛阶段主办国可以直接获得决赛阶段名额,除主办国外,其他名额由国际足联根据各个预选赛赛区的足球水平进行分配,不同的预选赛赛区会有不同数量的决赛阶段名额。注:国际足联规定:从2006年世界杯预选赛起,卫冕冠军需要参加其所属区域内的世界杯预选赛,从而只有东道主可以入围决赛圈32强的比赛. 世界杯决赛阶段的主办国必须是国际足联(FIFA)会员国(地区),而且会员国(地区)需要向国际足联提出申请(可以两个会员联合申请承办),然后通过全体国际足联(FIFA)会员国(地区)投票选出。 通过世界杯预选赛获得决赛阶段名额的国家代表队,加上主办国的代表队一共32支球队将会到主办国进行决赛阶段的比赛争夺冠军。决赛阶段32支球队通过抽签被分成8个小组,每个小组4支球队,进行分组积分赛,各个小组的前两名共十六支球队将获得出线资格,进入复赛;进入复赛后,十六支球队按照既定的规则确定赛程,不再抽签,然后进行单场淘汰赛,直至决出冠军。

      翻译:World Cup qualifying phase and final race is divided into two stages of World Cup qualifying stage is divided into six Division, namely Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, North America and Oceania Division, in accordance with the contest required each Division formulation of the actual situation in qualifying rules, but all have enrolled in the FIFA World Cup (FIFA) Member States (regional) team, you need to be where the Division qualifier into the World Cup competition for places. World Cup places is now 32, the final stage of the host country can be the final stage of places, in addition to hosting countries, other places from the FIFA soccer stadium under each qualifying distribution levels, there will be a different qualifying Division number of different places in the final stage. Note: FIFA: World Cup 2006 qualifiers, the defending champion needs to participate in their respective region qualifiers, which can only host the 32 finalists in the competition finals. World Cup host country must FIFA (FIFA) member countries (regions), and the Member States (regional) need to apply to FIFA (which can be combined to apply to the two members), then by all FIFA (FIFA) Member States (regional) vote. Get through the final stage of World Cup qualifying places for the national team, plus the host country team to a total of 32 teams will be host to fight for the championship finals. The final stage of 32 teams chosen by lot to be divided into eight groups, each four team group the points race, the top two of each group 16 qualifying teams will be eligible to enter the semi-finals; into the semi-final after , 16 team schedule determined in accordance with established rules, not draw, and then knock the single market, until decided at Champion.


      2010南非世界杯 第十九届世界杯足球赛(官方名称:2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™)决赛周将于2010年6月在南非的十个城市举行,本届是首次在非洲举行的世界杯。共有来自世界各地的32队球队参加赛事,共进行64场比赛决定冠军队伍,除了主办国南非,其他球队需要以外围赛争取参加决赛周的席位。
